
I Guess Normalcy Just Isn't My Style

Sorry in advance, this is a little ranty:

Friggin everyone I know is getting married...
I mean I'm only 22, why so young? You have your whole life to tie yourself down.
All men want a cookie cutter wife that makes life predictable anyway.
Is it that obscene to think that life might be more fun than that? Find someone who makes life exciting at least... I mean it's only everyday of the rest of your life.

Not that there's anything wrong with wanting a sweet, nice, normal wife. 
But, no matter who the man was in his "guy-hood", if he liked hardcore music, or comic books, or world of warcraft, or surfing, they still all refer back to the cookie cutter, sweetie pie, "whatever you say honey I just love you" girls who, don't get me wrong I love 'em too in certain circumstances, but an entire lifetime with them? The same thing every single day? No one to challenge you? Grow with you? Go out on whims, laugh, find new music, be eclectic, whatever together? 
Life is an adventure

Why are there so few people that are mature, but can still joke around like they're 15 again? 

Maybe I'm asking for too much. Or maybe that's just what the marrying type look like. 

I dunno, more people just need to get out of a mold and be themselves.

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